This service is also known as a "sweep" or Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) survey. This service uses various electronic and mechanical tools and devices to conduct an extensive examination of "sensitive" areas and residences. The examinations include a physical and electronic examination of the customer designated areas to determine the existence of anomalies that could present a potential security risk. ( It is highly recommended that the TVS is conducted on an annual basis or whenever there are significant changes in the areas of interest, e.g., major construction, change in key personnel, etc.)

This service consists of our consultants actually performing live monitoring of the electronic environment during a sensitive meeting or conference. Monitors are situated outside the conference or meeting area and utilize sophisticated, state of the art electronic equipment to determine if there are any spurious or unauthorized emanations that could compromise the integrity of sensitive issues discussed in the conference room. (The monitoring is conducted in an unobtrusive manner from outside the actual conference area, so the monitors are not privy to the issues discussed within the conference or meeting.)
In conjunction with this service, OSC also offers the option of a "white noise" acoustic generator that can be deployed during a sensitive conference or meeting. The "white noise" generator system is set up inside the conference room targeting windows and/or contiguous walls, which are known to be vulnerable points in a structure. The “white noise” system generates an imperceptible low noise that complicates and defeats any efforts to conduct unauthorized interception or audio surveillance of the sensitive issues discussed within the conference room. (Note: The deployment of a “white noise” generator alone may not provide the degree protection that “real time” monitoring can. Optimal protection is provided with the utilization of both techniques.)

Our highly trained operators are available to provide individualized executive protection services for corporate clients in any venue in the United States and most foreign venues. Our operators have experience in furnishing extensive physical protection to high level US Government officials and executives.
Our technicians are trained in reviewing residential and industrial physical security environments utilizing established corporate and government standards. Upon performing the audit, our technicians will advise you of any deficencies or security vulnerabilities. We can then make suggested recommendations to resolve any security deficiencies and improve your physical security.